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Palm Sunday, April 13, 9:45am. Bring a local "palm" to wave: a pine branch, pussy willows, hemlock bough...extras will be available in worship as well.


Maundy Thursday, April 17, 7pm. Service of Tenebrae. We tell the story of Christ's last hours, final instructions, and death in increasing darkness.


Good Friday April 18, 5-7 pm. The sanctuary will be open for you. Come, sit in the quiet to rest your mind and heart. Come, sit in the quiet to be held by God’s love for you. Come, sit in the quiet to contemplate the darkness just before the resurrection. Arrive any time between 5 and 7 pm. Stay as long as you need. 


Easter Sunrise Service, April 20,location: 121 Norway Hill Rd (Rev. Beth’s home), 5:45am.(5:58 am sunrise)  Join us outdoors to welcome the light and celebrate the resurrection!


Easter Sunday, April 20, 9:45am. We raise our song of Alleluia!